Eternal Landscapes: The Story Behind the Name

The name Eternal Landscapes was created in Bulgan, back in 2010. Now, there are a few towns called Bulgan in Mongolia, but the one I’m referring to is the provincial capital of Bulgan Aimag, located in northern Mongolia. As a tour leader, many of you might have joined me on a visit to the local shop for ice cream (I still fondly remember the day in 2015 when I discovered chocolate mint ice cream in their freezer). Some of you may have stayed at the Bulgan Hotel, with its quirky charm—complete with antlers on the wall, defunct arcade machines, and the famous Chinese-made singing showers (those jingle bells when the hot water tank is full). It’s not a place you’ll find in guidebooks, and most Westerners bypass it via domestic flights.

At the time, I was working as a tour leader for a UK-based adventure travel company. Fast forward to 2009, after nine years and a few countries, I found myself without a job. I had to break the news to Turuu, my lead driver, that our roles had ended because the company was sold and restructured. That’s when he asked me, “Boss, why don’t we start our own company?”

I was reluctant at first. Neither of us had any business experience or knowledge. But after taking a step back in 2010, reflecting during a trip through Mongolia, we decided to take the plunge.

We had been out for three or four weeks wild camping and meeting local families about working in partnership. When we reached the main hotel in Bulgan (the one with the antlers), the place was full due to a local convention. We ended up staying in a small (3×3 meter) room with no curtains, no lock, no heating, a single lightbulb, and no toilet. (I can tell you—accommodation in Mongolia has come a long way since then.) But there was a desk, and that’s where I sat, working on our company name.

The Name: Eternal Landscapes

So why Eternal Landscapes? To me, it made complete sense.

The word Eternal means “without beginning or end; lasting forever.” And when you think of Mongolia, what stands out the most? It’s the land. The vast, open, never-ending landscapes. It was the land that drew me in and kept me coming back. While Eternal Horizons might have worked too, landscapes just seemed right.

With the help of my Mongolian-English dictionary, I explained the meaning of “eternal” to Turuu. His unique take on the word was “ever on.” In our hybrid Mongolian-English style conversations (which we still have), we then focused on the word “land.” He agreed. After all, he’s from the Gobi, a herding family, and as anyone who’s met him will know, he has an “old soul” and a deep reverence for the land. The land gives pasture, and without pasture, there is no nomadic culture—and it is that nomadic culture that forms the very heart of Mongolia. It felt like a natural fit—Eternal Landscapes. And that was it. The name made sense.

One of Mongolia's Eternal Landscapes

Blessings and Doubts

When we returned to Ulaanbaatar, one of Turuu’s brothers, a monk, blessed our new company and, of course, the name itself. With a name and a sense of fragile possibility, we looked to find a website company.

And that’s when I faced my first challenge.

“What? Eternal Landscapes? But it doesn’t say what you do. It doesn’t explain what you offer. It could be anything. You need something with travel, or adventure, or Mongolia, or nomads or journeys (check out the names of our competitors, that’s exactly what they have done) in the name. It’s no good for SEO. Google won’t find you.”

But then, I didn’t think I was lost anyway. To be honest, I didn’t know that choosing a business name had to be SEO-friendly. I didn’t even know what SEO was back then. To be honest, when you choose a child’s name, do you think about Google?

But I didn’t give in. As a Mongolian proverb says, *“If you’re afraid, don’t start. If you start, don’t be afraid.”*

The Power of the Name

What I love most about the name Eternal Landscapes is that our guests get it. Mongolia is a slow burn destination. It doesn’t always give you that immediate, awe-inspiring wow that you might feel when you first see the Himalayas. But give it time. The landscapes begin to dominate. They get into your soul (sounds a bit cliché, but it’s true). You might find yourself on a rock outcrop or in a van, speeding across the Gobi, feeling free and entranced by the vastness.

It takes time, but eventually, you’ll unwind from the fast pace of modern life. And as you slow down, you begin to understand the power of Mongolia’s eternal landscapes—those wide, uninterrupted horizons that make you feel small, connected, and at peace.

Embracing the Journey

Yes, I nearly quit when I was told our name wouldn’t work. But I didn’t. And now, I’m proud to say it was the right decision. To me, the name captures everything I love about Mongolia and what we offer at Eternal Landscapes. Our work isn’t about ticking boxes or fitting in with industry norms—it’s about embracing the raw, vast beauty of the land and the people who call it home and sharing it with others in a meaningful, respectful way.

Sod SEO. It’s not about being found easily online. It’s about being discovered by those who truly connect with what we’re trying to do—making tourism more equitable through our tours—and with the land.

And yes, despite the doubts, I wouldn’t change a thing. Just as Mongolia’s landscapes are eternal, our commitment to offering deep, immersive travel experiences will remain steadfast, grounded in respect and authenticity.

Learn more about our tour experiences here –

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