Getting started: The Philosophy of Travel

“To begin, begin.” A deceptively simple sentence, yet its truth resonates deeply in the journey of life—and travel. William Wordsworth, the poet behind this quote, wasn’t calling for a complicated analysis. He was offering a reminder: to start anything, we must take that first step. It’s as straightforward as it sounds. But why do so many of us delay it?

When it comes to travel, we often think of grand expeditions—kayaking across oceans or living with indigenous tribes in remote corners of the world. There’s an allure to these adventures, amplified by social media and the idea of “Instagrammable” moments. But the essence of travel doesn’t need to be spectacular, extreme, or risky. It doesn’t have to involve ticking off the world’s greatest landmarks or achieving something audacious. Sometimes, travel is simply about breaking away from your normal routine—taking a local bus to a place you’ve never been, or exploring a hidden corner of your own hometown.

The more we romanticize travel as something epic, the more we tend to postpone it. The more daunting the goals, the more likely we are to make excuses, to find reasons to wait. The hardest part, always, is taking that first step. There will always be obstacles or distractions. But, as with any journey, the key is to start. We might not end up where we expected. We might miss the bus, or take a wrong turn. The reality of travel is rarely as polished or perfect as the images we see on Instagram. It’s often messy, unpredictable, and sometimes frustrating. And yet, that’s where the magic happens.

But we should do it anyway. After all, travel isn’t about ticking boxes or reaching the highest peak. It’s not about trekking to the most remote place or doing something to impress others. Travel is about the experience itself—the moments, the people, the new perspectives we gain. It’s about the growth that happens along the way, often in ways we didn’t expect. The journey teaches us as much as, if not more than, the destination itself.

The beauty of travel lies in its diversity. It comes in all shapes and forms, and each experience is uniquely yours. So, don’t compare your travels to others’. Instead, focus on finding adventures that resonate with you as an individual. It’s not a competition. Be proud of the steps you take, however small, and celebrate your own personal milestones.

Remember, as Wordsworth said: “To begin, begin.” It’s the first step that matters the most. So, take it—whether it’s a short trip down the road or a journey across the world. The most important part is to start. And from there, everything else will fall into place.

Travel and Growth for Our Female Trip Assistants

This same philosophy applies to the women in our team who use travel not only to explore the world but to expand their personal and professional horizons. Whether they are guiding a one-day city tour or leading multi-day treks, travel provides them with the opportunity to step outside their comfort zones, learn new skills, and build their confidence in a supportive environment.

For many of our female trip assistants, the act of travel becomes a pathway to empowerment. It’s about taking that first step, whether it’s navigating a busy urban landscape, coordinating logistics in remote areas, or adapting to unforeseen challenges along the way. These are not just professional achievements—they are personal victories, too. Each journey, no matter the scale, is a chance for growth. By immersing themselves in the diverse environments of our tours, they gain new perspectives on leadership, problem-solving, and resilience.

But, just like with any traveler, the hardest part is always the beginning. Many of our female trip assistants may initially feel unsure about their ability to handle the complexities of travel or to guide groups through unfamiliar terrains. Yet, as they begin to take on more responsibilities, the challenges start to feel less intimidating. Travel becomes a tool for their personal development, helping them break through limitations, achieve goals they may not have imagined possible, and build connections with people from all over the world.

It’s not about comparing their journey to others, or measuring success through social media filters. It’s about recognizing that every step, every new experience, every hurdle they overcome along the way, contributes to their growth. Like any traveler, they learn that travel isn’t just about the destination—it’s about the lessons learned, the courage built, and the confidence that comes with each new adventure.

By embracing the philosophy of “To begin, begin,” our female trip assistants embark on more than just physical journeys. They embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal achievement that transcends their roles as guides. Through their travel experiences, they create a ripple effect that inspires and empowers not just themselves but others around them as well.

‘To begin, begin.’
William Wordsworth

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