As part of my business philosophy, I always try to meet with our guests when I am in Mongolia. True, I often look quite mad – arriving on foot or by mountain bike (when it hasn’t been stolen). Slightly red faced as I’m usually late. I guess I don’t come across as a boss or business owner so there’s often…
As someone who works in the tourism industry, I’m often struck by the power that negative TripAdvisor reviews have over bookings. It seems that many companies are terrified of receiving negative feedback—scared that a mistake will drive potential customers away. But here’s the thing: I’ve always believed that without mistakes, we cannot learn. It’s human nature to make mistakes, and…
The management plan for Dartmoor National Park is the single most important plan for the future of the park. It is the strategic plan which will guide decisions affecting Dartmoor’s future over the next five years. Look at it and you will see that listed are key drivers and challengers under three sections – Sustain, Enjoy and Prosper. Look more…
Dartmoor National Park (DNP) is a glorious wild open space of 368 square miles. It has extensive wild and open (and windswept) moorland – a large part of which (65%) is made up of granite. The moor is capped with many exposed high granite hilltops known as tors. There are over 160 tors on Dartmoor making them a principal aspect…